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Myanmar blocks internet for second night in bid to choke protests

The United Nations has warned Myanmar's military leaders of "severe consequences" if they respond vi ...View More

Gravitas: WION reads responses from Myanmar

The citizens of Myanmar continue to write to WION. They seem determined to challenge the Military ru ...View More

Myanmar protests resume, internet restored as military circles

Myanmar's military has opened fire on a crowd of protesters in the second largest city of Mandalay,  ...View More

Myanmar military junta deploys troops and armored vehicles | DW News

Security forces in Myanmar deployed extra troops and armored vehicles around the country on Monday a ...View More

Phil Robertson Speaks to DW 12 Feb 2021 Myanmar Democracy

Speaking to #Germany's Deutsche Welle TV network on the crackdown against the #Myanmar protesters fi ...View More

Trump impeachment trial, Myanmar protests, Saudi activist released, Bitcoin and Elon Musk

It is video testimony before the U-S Senate that has thrust an unsung hero into the limelight. Capit ...View More

Myanmar protests: US seeking to counter Chinese influence in the region | WION-VOA Co-production

US President Joe Biden has threatened to reinstate sanctions. However, China blocked a UN Security C ...View More

Myanmar: UN Human Rights Council spotlights human rights violations | DW News

The United Nations' top rights body opened an urgent session on the Myanmar military coup on Friday, ...View More

Which way will it go? Myanmar protesters defy military

First there was a coup, then Myanmar's military banned protests... And yet. And yet a new generation ...View More

Gravitas Live With Palki Sharma Upadhyay | Myanmar: Crackdown after the coup | English News

On Gravitas Live With Palki Sharma Upadhyay: It's been 10 days since the MyanmarCoup. What is the wo ...View More

Myanmar protests continue after violent crackdown

Protesters in Myanmar returned to the streets for a fifth consecutive day and a day after rallies we ...View More

Myanmar: Military raids NLD party headquarters | DW News

The US on Tuesday condemned violence against protesters in ongoing protests against a military coup  ...View More

Woman 'shot' in head fights for life as Myanmar protests enter fifth day

Protesters returned to the streets of #Myanmar on Wednesday after the most violent day yet in #demon ...View More

'We will fight until we win': Myanmar protesters march again, defying ban on gatherings

Demonstrators against #Myanmar's military takeover took to the streets again Tuesday in defiance of  ...View More

Myanmar protesters demand release of Aung San Suu Kyi, return of civilian government

Protesters in #Myanmar, defiant in the face of blasts from security forces' water cannons, are deman ...View More

Myanmar protesters defy ban on gatherings | DW News

Security forces in Myanmar on Tuesday used rubber bullets and tear gas against anti-coup protesters  ...View More

What’s happening at the protests in Myanmar? | DW News

People across Myanmar joined a third day of demonstrations Monday, to protest the coup that removed  ...View More

Myanmar protests: Thousands demand Aung San Suu Kyi's release | DW News

Tens of thousands of people continue to protest in Myanmar after a military coup almost a week ago.  ...View More

Thousands of Myanmar protesters in standoff with police in Yangon

Thousands of people took to the streets of Yangon to denounce a military coup and demanded the relea ...View More

Yangon witnesses biggest show of dissent, thousands march against Myanmar military | WION

The military in Myanmar is getting public resistance against the coup. The biggest dissent so far, h ...View More

Inside Myanmar: The Crackdown l Rewind

From Inside Myanmar 2007, the people of Myanmar were still living under harsh military rule. Among t ...View More

Myanmar: Thousands march in support of army despite crisis

Thousands of people have marched in support of Myanmar's military in the city of Yangon, although it ...View More